Monday, February 4, 2008

Back in the Saddle...

No, i'm not going to make this into my new, hey check out these websites i've seen journal...though it's all i've used it for lately. And today will be no different.

First, I'm really sorry I missed out on the Puppy Bowl. As i'm more of a futbol (soccer) fan, the Giants and the Patriots mean very little to me, so this looks much more entertaining to me as an "animal person." Love some puppies, though i'm sure my cat would prefer the half-time show.

Next up, it's about time someone stepped up to the plate. Excuse the mixing of metaphors but it sounds like hip-hop is finally getting a much needed shot in the arm. Bill Cosby, that's right Mr. Hip-Hop-Hatin'-Cosby, is putting out a rap album. I'm sure it will debut at #1 in all charts...maybe even country. You know I used to be a huge fan of his, I own several of his earliest albums, now he just doesn't seem so funny.

My friend, who my wife and I helped transport some kitties overseas, has started blogging (still not comfortable using that as a verb) with Serious I'll have to put this in my links/places to go column over on the right side of this blog for everyday use. If you are a food person, especially if you are an Italian foods person or a sweets person, you should check out this blog! And check out her book when you get a chance as well!

Whoa, think this might be my first post without a single picture...maybe next time.

I'm off to finish work and get back into a routine with running.

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