Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ah, the sweet, sweet livin'...

A friend of mine, Gina DePalma, has finally had her first book published. If any of you are cooking/baking fans, please consider buying this book. It's called "Dolce Italiano" and it's filled with loads of Italian desserts and pastries. She's the head pastry chef for one of Mario Batali's restaurants, Babbo, in New York City and she did the pastry treats at my wedding (yes, i'm bragging, but also saying that as a reminder to those who were there). Anyway, I know about the sweat and tears that went into this thing and I really hope it does well. She sent me a pic of it in the window of her favorite New York bookstore, sitting next to books by Alan Greenspan, David Halberstam and Peter Cameron. It includes recipes from three different styles of desserts: "traditional Italian, Italian-American and American-Italian" ... I'd get into it more, but it's better explained on the Amazon page...just make with the clicky on the picture if you are even somewhat interested. My copy's on its way, or I'd tell you more about what's inside...just click...and buy. :)

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